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Welcome to Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School 01934 621919

LiveSimply award

Bart from CAFOD has visited our school and collected the money that we have raised to support our brothers and sisters in need overseas. The children organised the disco and completed the Big Lent Walk which allowed us to collect £350.81! Thank you our school community for your generosity and support in living in solidarity!

The Big Lent Walk has been part of our action plan for achieving LiveSimply award. We have explored "Living in Solidarity" by raising the money to support Liberia through CAFOD appeal. Thank you parents and parishioners for joining us with our walk, prayers and fundraising:

Dear parents and friends,


We are pleased to share with you that our school will be working towards becoming a LiveSimply school and achieving the LiveSimply Award.

The LiveSimply Award, coordinated by CAFOD, the Catholic agency for overseas development, is presented to schools who demonstrate they are living simply, living sustainably, and living in solidarity with the world’s poorest communities.


The LiveSimply reward is an opportunity for our school to respond to Pope Francis’ invitation in Laudato Si to “work with generosity and tenderness in protecting this world which God entrusted to us”. During our LiveSimply journey, we will be taking faith inspired actions that support our school & local communities and our global sisters and brothers too.


We look forward to telling you more about our actions and inviting you to also take part with us. We really appreciate your support.


If you would like to know more about LiveSimply for schools, please visit


If you have further questions or queries, we are happy to help, please come and see us!

This term we have a visitor from CAFOD who has Introduced LiveSimply award, talked about The Big Lent Walk and explained how raising money doing the Big Lent walk supports our vision on living in solidarity:
