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St Vincent de Paul

Welcome to St Vincent de Paul!

Year Three


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  Class teacher: Mrs A Ayers (



Fantastic way to finish off our great year of learning with kite making activities, cooking, visiting the beach and local nursing home. We had a productive year together year 3, thank you for all your hard work and great effort. Have a happy summer!

Year 3 would like to share with you some pictures from this super busy term! 11 children from our class have received their First Holy Communion and we have celebrated this event in our Class Mass about the Eucharist. We also have explored the properties of magnets, made dart frogs as part of our learning about Rainforests and had a Sports day!

To consolidate our previous term's learning about Romans, we have visited Caerleon Roman Fortress and Baths. We had a fantastic workshop involving a Romans theme role-play, we also explored National Roman Legion Museum as well as Amphitheatre, Barracks and Roman Baths:

Dear Parents, welcome to Term 5! Please have a look at our termly overview for Term 5:

World Book day 2024: Fantastic effort everyone, well done, great way to celebrate Reading!

Dear Parents, welcome to Term 4! Please have a look at our termly overview for Term 4:

Year 3 are learning the "Our Father" Prayer" and exploring its meaning using the actions:

As part of "Rotten Romans", the children are exploring Roman mosaic:

Year 3 attended Wednesday Mass at Corpus Christi Church. the children read their bidding prayers beautifully and brought the Offertory to Canon Tom:

Dear Parents, welcome to Term 3! Please have a look at our termly overview for Term 3:

Decorating lanterns at St Paul's Church. That was a wonderful new experience, Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year!

Dear Parents and Friends, please have a look our learning in Term 2. We had a Seaside visit, our parishioner Steven visited our class and taught us about different roles during Mass, Year 3 Class had their first opportunity to join our Parish for Wednesday Mass and the children made beautiful lanterns for Remembrance Day:

Home Learning for Tuesday 31st of October.

Dear children and parents! Unfortunately the school is closed today for KS 2 pupils, therefore, I have prepared some online learning for you.

Please complete the tasks below. You have: Morning Mission, Writing, Maths, and History. If you have any questions, my email address is

Have a lovely day and I hope to see you all tomorrow!


Mrs Ayers

Great start to Year 3! All the children have settled in wonderfully and enjoying their new learning:

Dear Parents and Friends, welcome to Year 3! Please have a look at Curriculum evening presentation slides:

Our key books this term
