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St Vincent de Paul

Welcome to St Vincent de Paul!

Year Three


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  Class teacher: Mrs A Ayers (



Welcome to Term 3! What a wonderful busy start we have had! We have been learning the Our Father Prayer using Makaton, the children participated in Mass, we had a visitor from RSPCA teaching the children how to look after the pets. We also have been very lucky to meet Professor Robert Jones - Egyptologist (Harry Cadwallader) who immersed us in the History of Ancient Egypt:

Our key books this term

Year 3 children had have a very exciting lead up to Christmas. I have been so proud of each of them and I wish everyone Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year! Enjoy your well-earned break with your families and friends, you have been super stars:

Brilliant start of super busy term 2! We have attended Wednesday Mass at Church, made lanterns to mark the significance of Remembrance Day, visited the beach to get inspired to read and explore "The Mousehole Cat" book and welcomed our parishioner Steve who taught us all about the meaning of Mass for Catholics and the jobs people do during the Mass:

World Mental Health Day at Corpus Christi. Thank you everyone for wearing yellow, celebrating our differences and supporting YOUNGMINDS.

Year 3 children took part in the Art Project for European Day of Languages with the theme "Languages of Peace". Through Art, the children have been celebrating the cultural diversity and the amazing number and variety of languages spoken around Europe and in our school:

Please find attached PP slides from our Curriculum Evening:

Dear parents and friends, welcome to Year 3! All children settled in nicely and had a brilliant first week, full of fun learning:
