SENCo: Miss Alvis
SEN Governor: Sara Wills
Our vision for SEND at Corpus Christi:
The staff and governors of Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School are committed to providing the best support for all pupils. We want all children to become resilient and curious learners who have a love of learning as well as being respectful and forgiving members of our community, where we are all stewards of our world. We believe every child has the right to develop to their full potential emotionally, socially and academically. We do this through a variety of different provisions which may include; school interventions, short-term specific interventions, home-school interventions and other learning interventions developed on an individual needs basis.
Who are the best people to talk to in this school about my child’s progress/ Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND)?
The first person to speak to about your concerns is your child’s class teacher. The will be able to talk with you about your child's learning and experiences in school. They will ensure that all important information is shared with any relevant adults in the school. If you still have ongoing concerns you may wish to speak to our school’s Special Educational Needs Disability Coordinator (SENCo)-Miss Alvis.
If any children are identified as having any form of speical need, the class teacher and SENCO will create a plan exploring how to best support your child which will be shared with yourselves. Your child’s help and progress may be recorded through an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or in another way if appropriate.
Our school SENCo is available to speak with you if you would like to discuss any concerns. Please make an appointment with the office or email Miss Alvis on