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St Peter and St Paul

Welcome to Year 4

St Peter and St Paul

Class Teacher: Miss State



Curriculum Overview Term 4

Trip To Caerleon Roman Fortress and Baths

Year 4 were very excited to meet the chicks!

Term 4 Curriculum Overview

World Book Day 2024

Term 3 Curriculum Overview

Year 4 taking part in the Elf Run

10.11.23 Year 4 Class Mass on Remembrance Day and peace.

To mark Remembrance day, we used pastels, crayons and paper to fill the outline of a soldier with poppies.

As part of our states of matter topic in science, we investigated the different melting times of chocolate using different water temperatures.

Home Learning 31.10.23


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Reading comprehension


Times Tables -




Year 3 and 4 worked together to design and paint Viking shields as part of our WOW lesson in History.

Useful website link for times tables practice...




Please find a link below to the times tables website that we will be using with the children in class.

It gives them the opportunity to focus on specific times tables, as well as testing themselves against all of the times tables up to 12.

There are games they can use to help them and a plan for how they can develop their understanding and knowledge across all the times tables.

Finally, there is a test section which is timed, and will give them an experience of recalling times table facts against the clock!


This website works perfectly with Times Tables Rockstars and allows the children to practice the individual times tables that they may be struggling with.  Their 5 stage plan is great and when they pass it they can get a certificate!


Thank you for your support in this. 


Miss State


Some Helpful Links:
