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Welcome to Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School 01934 621919

RE Curriculum

Regular Acts of Worship in Corpus Christi.


Monday – Whole School Celebration of the Word (with the focus on Gospel)

Tuesday - Whole school Celebration of the Word (with the focus on  school Values)

Wednesday - Celebration of the Word in Classes

Thursday –  Whole school Celebration of the Word (Hymn Practice)

Friday – Whole School – Laudate 

RE curriculum overview:


This year our EYFS, Year 1, Year 3 and Year 4 classes are using the new RED curriculum with support from the Diocese.

Their units are entitled:

  • Branch 1 - Creation and Covenant
  • Branch 2 - Prophecy and Promise
  • Branch 3 - Galilee to Jerusalem 
  • Branch 4 - Desert to Garden 
  • Branch 5 - Ends of the Earth
  • Branch 6 - Dialogue and Encounter


Please see the timetable for RE for Year 2,5 and 6:

RSE Teaching 

Any teaching about love and sexual relationships in a Catholic school must be rooted in the Catholic Church’s teaching about what it is to be truly human in Christ, what it means to live well in relationship with others and be presented within a positive framework of Christian virtue. For this reason, we encourage Catholic schools to speak about Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) rather than Sex and Relationship Education (SRE), since this emphasises the importance of healthy relationships to human well-being, as the core learning within an RSE curriculum. Our RSE programme uses the following resources; 

• Journey in Love

• RE – Diocesan Planning

• Jigsaw (PSHE resource)


Journey In Love

At Corpus Christi, we use the Journey in Love scheme to support the teaching of RSE. Each year group has it's own focus and aims. Journey in Love is a recommended resources for the teaching of Relationships and Sex Education as it is specifically compiled to present a Catholic vision. The programme presents church teachings which is what is expected in a Catholic School. The compilers and all those using the scheme are sensitive to the fact that not all children are from the same background or family setting. 


Please have a look how we are linking Our Trust values with Catholic Social Teaching Principles, RE and PSHE teaching and learning:

Other Faiths:

We were very lucky to have Imam Tanweer from Weston Islamic Educational centre visiting our school for Islamic week. The children from KS2 had an opportunity to visit the centre and to explore a place of worship and community for followers of the Islamic Faith:

Judaism Week at Corpus Christi. We were very lucky to meet Eric and Eddie from Liverpool who shared with us their knowledge about Judaism, its History and traditions:

Together with CAFOD, the children from Corpus Christi have learnt about the need of fixing the food system and putting local communities first. Thank you Mervyn for your visit and for very informative assembly and workshops for KS1.

Thank you Year 6 for taking our children through Stations of the Cross and for giving them an opportunity to learn about the last days of the life of Jesus, to pray and reflect.

Judaism Week October 2021

This year we have been taking part in BackPack project. Thank you very much for all the children and families who brought the items to support the children in Malawi in getting the most out of their learning. We are still collecting during Lent time and we will be grateful for your donations. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Our EYFS and KS1 pupils took part in their liturgy with Canon Tom. They learnt about the story of Saul. Thank you to our parents and friends who joined us for this special time.

This year we are working together with Joseph who is training with Canon Tom to be a priest. Thank you Joseph for sharing with the children your experience and knowledge about how to be an altar server.

During the season of the preparation for the birth of Jesus the children from Year 4,5 and 6 had the opportunity to say sorry and to reflect on their spiritual journey.
