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Welcome to Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School 01934 621919

St John Bosco

Welcome to St. John Bosco's Class - Year 6


Class Teacher: Miss Alvis


To get in touch directly with Miss Alvis please email:

Our key texts this term:

Term 3

Science: evolution and inheritance

History: Ancient Greece

We explored ratio using skittles! Can you find any ratios in these pictures?

We had a virtual author visit from Elle McNicoll who talked all about being an author with Autism

The RSPCA visit was very interesting and informative about how to look after animals in the wild and how we can help the wildlife around us.

In Art lessons we have been considering how artists create impact using body language, arrangement of figures and the messages they are trying to convey to us as an audience. We recreated 'Gassed' by John Singer Sargent. How effective do you think we have been?

Term 2

Science: human body

Geography: why does population change?

We made lovely Christmas cards to share at nursing homes

We were awarded a lunch time laudable for our amazing work leading PEP at lunch times for the younger children.

We created pieces of artwork to symbolise the Annunciation.

Term 1

Science: Human body

History: What does the census show us?

Fencing was a really exciting way to start our first week back!

A visit from the Bristol Ensemble was a great way to learn about different instruments in the orchestra

We enjoyed some role play to act out some of the story we are learning about: The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan

Kilve Court information and kit list
