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Welcome to Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School 01934 621919

St George

Class Teacher: Miss Alton


Welcome to St George's Class

Year Two 

Court Farm Trip. Everyone had lots of fun learning about the animals on the farm and getting to ride in the trailer of a tractor!

Beach Trip WOW Lesson. We went to the beach to kick off our Seaside Topic - everyone had lots of fun building their sandcastles (and destroying them at the end!)

We planned a route and then used our plans to walk the route!

Magical Mapping WOW Lesson. We used a map of the school playground to complete a treasure hunt in small groups. We had to find the places where the treasure was marked on the map and use that to find the pieces of the puzzle.

Term 5 Overview

British Science Week; Year 1 and 2 teamed up to be astronautical engineers and complete a series of experiments investigating forces. They made balloon rockets to investigate thrust. They then investigated gravity and air resistance by making parachutes out of paper napkins and cups.

Our first chicks have hatched!

We currently have eggs incubating in our classroom! We'll keep you updated on the changes we see...

Term 4 Overview

Term Overview

Museum Trip December 2023

Curriculum Evening Presentation 2023
