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Welcome to Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School 01934 621919

St Bernadette

Welcome to St Bernadette's

Year One

Class Teachers: Mrs Constable (Monday-Wednesday am)



                        Mrs Biddle (Wednesday pm- Friday)


In computing this term we are looking at coding for the first time in our unit 'Moving a robot'. We have been able to borrow a few Beebots for us to be able to do this. We have found this really fun, programming commands for the Beebots to follow. We have used the directional language; forwards, backwards, left and right.

We were lucky enough to be joined by Alex from the RSPCA who ran a workshop on how how to care for our pets. We looked at the different animals the RSPCA care for and what our pets needs to be healthy and loved. Afterwards we made pet masks out of paper plates.

Today we had Mr Squires come to visit us who was a Victorian headmaster. He took our register, but called us by our surnames! He talked about what it would have been like in the Victorian times and we did some activities.

Year One would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. We hope you have a lovely restful holiday period with your family and friends. We look forward to seeing you in 2025.

Year 1 and 2 had a virtual author visit today, Anna Kemp. The pupils had sent of pictures to be shared and were very excited when their pictures were chosen out of 100 schools! Dogs can do Ballet!

We have been using claves in music. We are learning to keep to the beat.

Monday 21st Oct. Today in art, we learnt how to do observational drawings. We used different media to draw.

NSSPEA came into school today. We had fun learning how to use a bow and arrow and successfully managed to fire an arrow.

We have been learning how to write number sentences. We had lots of fun!

Hello Yellow! We all enjoyed wearing yellow and raising awareness of mental health. In Year 1 we made badges for our friends, on the badges we wrote kind messages on them or something we liked about our friend. They certainly made us smile and feel happy.

Music workshop 9th Oct

We love our computing lessons!

In our topic lesson, we have been looking at where we are in history. We brought in photos from different times in our lives and then ordered them on a timeline.

On Wednesday 4th September we were lucky to have Mark from The Sports Project come and deliver a taster session of Fencing to the pupils. The pupils loved the session. If your child is wanting to do more Fencing, Mark is offering an afterschool club at the moment. Please see the office for more details.

Curriculum evening PowerPoint Presentation for parents

Our key text this term is:

Our terrific topics this year are...


Autumn Term- What is History?

                       Where am I?

Spring Term- How was school different in the past? 

                     Would you prefer to live in a hot or                            cold place? 

Summer Term- What is a monarch?

                        What is it like to live in Shanghai?
