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Welcome to Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School 01934 621919

St Bernadette

Welcome to St Bernadette's

Year One

Class Teachers: Mrs Constable (Monday-Wednesday am)



                        Mrs Biddle (Wednesday pm- Friday)


This week we have started our new science topic, Plants. What better way to start the topic by planting our own broad beans. Thank you everyone for your donations of plastic bottles.

This week we have been planning and route and then using our maps to walk the route we have planned.

Magical Mapping WOW Lesson We used a map of the school playground to complete a treasure hunt in small groups. We had to find the places where the treasure was marked on the map and use that to find the pieces of the puzzle.

Our key text this term are:

Thank you for all those that came to our Liturgy of the Word today (Friday 22nd). The pupils worked really hard to learn songs, lines and prayers.

British Science Week; Year 1 and 2 teamed up to be astronautical engineers and complete a series of experiments investigating forces. They made balloon rockets to investigate thrust. They then investigated gravity and air resistance by making parachutes out of paper napkins and cups.

It was lovely to see the children get so excited over World Book Day today (Thursday 7th March). We spent the day off timetable doing activities relating to Ten-Word tiny tales by Joseph Coehlo

To introduce our new English text 'The Gingerbread Man' the pupils decorated their own Gingerbread Men.

On the last day of Term 3 the pupils had lots of fun painting 'Chinese Dragons' to introduce our new Geography topic of China. They used cotton buds to paint with and we looked at the colours they should be using.

On Wednesday 7th February the pupils were very excited to give Miss Bishop the card they had made for her upcoming wedding in half term.

How can we be a light for others?

On Tuesday 9th January, we had a visit from Wessex Water. We learnt about all the things that sometimes end up down our toilets, and what we should and shouldn't put down them.

We also conducted an experiment. 

We had a wonderful time at Weston Museum. We looked around the museum and spent some time looking at different toys.

We had the RSPCA come and visit us in school. They gave us a talk in class and then we had fun with Conkers.

We enjoyed talking about Judaism in our RE lesson. We were fortunate to be able to explore Jewish items.

The pupils really enjoyed our english text 'Handa's surprise'. It was lovely to see them being able to verbally retell the story in their groups.

During PE in Term 1 we were fortunate to have a coach from Somerset Cricket come to teach us different skills; here are the photos of our catching session.

Our terrific topics this year are...


Autumn Term- Toys

Spring Term- Travel through Time

Summer Term- Seaside

Curriculum Evening Presentation 2023
