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Welcome to Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School 01934 621919

St Mary

Welcome to St Mary!

Early Years Foundation Stage




Class Teacher: Miss Capel (

LSA: Mrs Watkins

Term 3

WB 06.01. We have settled well back into our school routines. This week we have been exploring the story of 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears.' We have made them out of play dough, measured the bears and thought about how Goldilocks could say sorry to Baby Bear. We have also been thinking about maps and how they tell us where things are.

Term 2

WB 25.11: We have been exploring the theme of Space. We made our own astronaut's, rockets and looked at the story 'Whatever Next!'. We also visited the church to make lanterns to be displayed for Christmas.

WB 18.11: This week we have been exploring cars and road safety. We have thought about how to be safe when crossing roads and around traffic.

WB 11.11: This week we explored the story of The Gingerbread Man. We enjoyed joining in with this and creating our own Gingerbread Man. We also explored the next part of the christmas story, when Mary and Joseph went on a journey to Bethlehem.

WB: 5.11. We have been learning a bit about Diwali and have looked at Rangoli patterns, Diya lamps and listened to the story 'Binny's Diwali.' In Maths we have focused on the fact we know we have five fingers on our hand. In RE we heard that an Angel came and told Mary she was going to have a baby and the baby would be called Jesus!

Term 1

WB: 21.10. We have been exploring Autumn pumpkins, leaves and other features. We have been exploring maps and what our school looks like from above. We also role played what happens during a Baptism.

WB: 14.10.24

Still image for this video
We have had a busy week preparing for our Tie Ceremony. Please see below the video shared of our first term at school.

WB: 7.10 We had a visit from Musicians and have been continuing to improve our fine motor skills during dough disco. We have also learned sounds d,g,o and c.

WB: 01.10 We have been exploring the history of us by looking at our baby photos and thinking about how we have changed.

WB: 23.09

We have begun learning our phonics sounds. Children have explored finding these sounds and writing them.

We have been exploring the creation story and how God created the world in 7 days.

We have been getting to know our new classroom.

We will be listening to lots of books this term including some favourites and some new ones. Here are a selection that we will read:

Phonic sounds
