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Welcome to Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School 01934 621919

St Mary

Welcome to St Mary!

Early Years Foundation Stage




Class Teacher: Miss Capel (

LSA: Mrs Watkins

Early Learning Goals- end of year

We visited Court Farm. We fed the lambs, petted lots of animals and saw the cows being milked. We also had a tractor ride and played on adventure playground.

Term 5

Term 5 Overview

We have been exploring pets. This week we had a visit from a hamster, a bearded dragon and some stick insects. We have been thinking about how to care for animals.

Thank you to parents and family who joined us for our class liturgy.

Term 4

We have been looking at Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We made porridge and thought about what this tasted like.

As part of Science Week we explored space, stars and the moon.

Term 3

We will be listening and retelling stories such as:

Term 3 overview

We have been exploring the composition of the number 5. We explored the 5 little speckled frogs.

We have been learning about the story of Jesus Feeding the 5000. We retold it and then created some fish.

Term 2

We will be listening to and retelling stories such as:

We had a workshop from the RSPCA thinking about how to keep pets and animals safe during bonfire night. We then created our own fireworks using conkers.

We took part in the Elf Run raising money for Weston Hospice Care.

Term 1

We will be listening to lots of books this term including some favourites and some new ones. Here are a selection that we will read:

We have settled in well this term and have enjoyed getting to know our classroom enviroment.

We have been learning about baptism. We found the font in church and then role played baptising a baby.

Phonic sounds
