In Maths, we aim as a school to teach the underlying skills required to tackle increasingly challenging mathematical problems as children progress through
the school. All classes learn and revisit place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division regularly to allow them to embed knowledge and apply
these methods across other areas.
As a school we follow the WhiteRose maths scheme. This gives us a strong coverage of all of the areas of the curriculum at the correct level for each year group. We also use the Ready-to-Progress criteria along side this to provide children with more opportunity to consolidate the previous year's learning after spending a long time out of school. Links to these documents are below.
In all classes Maths lessons will include elements of fluency, reasoning and problem solving. This allows children to practice the taught skill and apply them in a range of situations. Lessons will include access to physical resources to support all students' understanding- these include but are not limited to: place value counters, rekinreks, dienes (Base 10), bead strings and place value charts.
Children will access learning in a range methods, concrete (actual objects and resources) pictorial (picture/visual representations) and abstract (numerical calculations and word problems) as well as explain their thought processes verbally and using writing prompts.
Mathletics is becoming part of the next generation in learning as it helps children achieve great results, while enjoying it.
Mathletics is a web-based learning program that integrates home and school learning via the internet. Mathletics courses are aligned to the requirements and outcomes of the Mathematics Primary Curriculum from Foundation Stage to Year 6. There are thousands of students in schools across the United Kingdom and millions around the world that are accessing the site every day.
Your child has 24-hour access to Mathletics by using a unique user name and password. We recommend that you spend time looking at the program, so that you can gain a greater understanding of how Mathletics will benefit your child.
* Children become more engaged and motivated to learn Mathematics;
* Mathletics is adaptive, which means that it responds to the child’s strengths and weaknesses;
* Children instantly know if they are on the right track and can work through the curriculum at their own pace;
* Animated support guides children through concepts at their own pace, which is like having a personal maths tutor 24 hours a day;
* Live Mathletics fosters a stimulating and exciting online learning community;
* Results flow seamlessly between home and school so you can stay informed of your child’s progress;
* Weekly parent emails allow you to monitor your child’s progress. You just need to register using your email and your child’s account.
Times table rockstars is a great interactive way to practise your times tables. Children can select different challenges and games to complete, all aimed at improving their recall, accuracy and fluency in their times tables. Classes can be set challenge and tournaments, compete and score points as part of a team. Children should know all of their times tables by the time they are in Year 4.
Numbots is a new and exciting addition to TTRS. It is designed for younger children and works on basic number facts. This includes counting on number lines, 100 squares and with images, being able to add numbers within 10 and 20, number bonds to 10, 20 and 100, and many more challenges for young learners. Work your way through the levels and see how many stars you can earn.